Marie Skłodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships
Do you wish to join our lab and enjoy a lively scientific stay?
Look at our scientific interests, they are wide-ranging and eclectic, all connected by the frame of ecology.
MSCA European Fellowships
Are open to researchers moving within Europe, as well as those coming in from other parts of the world.
Can restart a research career after a break, such as parental leave.
Can help researchers coming back to Europe find a new position.
Can you apply?
- You can have any nationality;
- You may not have resided or carried out your main activity (such as work, and studies) in Spain for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline (15 September 2021).
- You must have a PhD before the call (15 September 2021), and have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, from the date of PhD diploma;
- How you should apply?
Find a supervisor in our lab. She/he will help with your research proposal and, once the project has started, integrate you into the research group.
Where you would work?
You would be placed in an excellent research center at CSIC (Spanish Council for Research) located in a nice and quiet environment. The Costa Brava is a perfect location, 70 km north of Barcelona, surrounded by nice beaches, and at about 150km from the Pyrenees.

Frederic Bartumeus
Daniel Oro
Meritxell Genovart
David Alonso