Theoretical and computational
ecology laboratory

ΣPhD Symposium

The symposium aims to be a regular retreat for PhD students in any ecological discipline. The symposium provides a great opportunity for PhD students to share and receive valuable feedback, on both their ecological work and presentation skills. The symposium will also be a space to network and socialize with other students and seniors.

A panel of three prominent ecologists will evaluate oral presentations in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere. These researchers will also give a plenary talk during the symposium. We are happy to announce Pablo Almaraz (ICMAN-CSIC), Mar Cabeza (Helsinki University) and Jordi Martinez-Vilalta (CREAF-UAB) as the evaluators and keynote speakers for this third edition.

A scientific committee will select a maximum of 12 oral presentations.

Registration is free. All students and seniors should register to attend the symposium. CEAB will offer catering during coffee breaks and lunch, so it is important to know the number of attendants for optimal logistics.

Important dates

  • 15 March:            Start of abstract submission / Start of registration
  • 15 June:               Deadline for abstract submission / Deadline for Registration
  • 30 July:                 Notification of presentation selection
  • 26-27 September:    The ΣPhD symposium

Details of the symposium


Please send your name, position (student or senior) and affiliation to, as well as your intention to give an oral presentation (only for PhD students, see below). Confirm also whether you will attend the first day of the meeting, when lunch will be offered to all attendants. Remember that deadline for registration isJune 15th. If you register and later on you have some reason not to attend, please let us know.

Abstract submissions

Only students that have not yet submitted their PhD thesis can participate. Please send your abstract to (preferable pdf files). Do not forget to include a title, your name and affiliation and a summary of no more than 350 words. Please also include in which year your PhD thesis is actually running. Remember that deadline for abstract submission is June 15th. The scientific committee will select 12 abstracts for presentations.

Keep in mind that the symposium (oral presentations, questions and plenary talks) will run in English.

Oral presentations

Presentations will last 15 minutes + 10 minutes for questions and advice for improving your presentations from the evaluators. We ask you to stick on time because timing will be a criterion to evaluate your presentation! Other criteria will be:

  • Organization of the talk and aim of the study
  • Scientific contents, particularly conceptual background and conclusions
  • Voice and body language
  • Visual aids, especially large readable and brief text, clear graphs, good balance between text and images.


The symposium will take place in Blanes. Details about how to get CEAB are at:


Blanes has many hotels at different prices; however for those with a lower budget and to encourage student’s interactions, the CEAB also offers free accommodation at some researcher’s and students homes. Those interested, write an email to

Scientific committee

Daniel Oro, Meritxell Genovart, Frederic Bartumeus and Jolle Jolles.

Organising Committee

Daniel Oro

Support Organization

Marta Mora and Carol Castaño

Plenary Talks

Coming soon.

Programme flow 

The complete program of the symposium is not yet available.